October 28, 2022

by DOST Regional Office VII

Jean P. Paquera, a focal person of STARBOOKS of the Siquijor Association of Catholic Schools, brimmed with happiness in sharing her experience as one of the attendees of the DOST 7 STARBOOKS Stakeholders’ Convention in Pavilion, DepEd Ecotech Center, Cebu City last October 13, 2022. She said: “It was sooner I realized that said convention would be helpful. Being new to STARBOOKS, I was amazed at the richness of the materials of this digital library. I love singularly the videos of various topics which I could use in the classroom. All in all, the features are engaging and I know our pupils and students and even other teachers would also love them too.”

The Regional Director of DOST VII, Engr. Jesus F. Zamora, Jr. in his opening remarks.

Results of the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a worldwide study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) intended to evaluate educational systems by measuring 15-year-old school pupils’ scholastic performance on mathematics, science, and reading, show that Philippines ranks at the bottom. Among 79 countries being assessed, Philippines lands 77th in Math, 78th in Science, and last in Reading.

Ms. Maria Elaine P. de Velez, CEO of FrontLearners Inc.

According to Maria Elaine Perez De Velez, founder and CEO of Frontlearners, Inc., Philippines’ performance in math, science, and reading is deplorable. During her talk in the convention, she remarked: “It’s sad but let us not stop here. There is hope and it may be found in the way we utilize the interactive contents of STARBOOKS. I must think that materials packaged in STARBOOKS would engage our pupils and students to better learning and woud save time for teachers in crafting their lesson plans and finding resources to back up instruction. I am proud to say the basics and fundamentals are here.”

Dir. Richard P. Burgos, Director of DOST-STII

STARBOOKS is an aggregate of information ranging from science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. With this digital library created by the Department of Science and Technology-Science and Technology Information Institute (DOST-STII), Richard P. Burgos its Director is banking on its revolutionary power to deliver information and knowledge to Filipino pupils and students.

Ms. Marievic V. Narquita, Science Research Specialist II of DOST-STII

Thus at a juncture, Marievic V. Narquita, Science Research Specialist II of DOST-STII, took time to present STARBOOKS updates and how to maximize its usage in the classroom.

Trivia winner

A little more than 300 participants – school heads, librarians, and STARBOOKS focal persons from Bohol, Cebu, Negros Oriental, and Siquijor participated in the convention, and the day’s event was made lighter and happier with some intermittent throwing of trivia by Cindy A. Tawali, Information System Researcher of DOST-STII, and which carried with prizes of gift bags and cash. DOST 7 Regional Director Engr. Jesus F. Zamora, Jr., much as he welcomed the participants, stamped his presence with awarding of tablets to winners in a draw.

Drawing lucky winners thru online random name picker.
Raffle draw winner

With the theme “STARBOOKS: Toward A Sustainable and Resilient Future,” Edric C. Calma, another invited speaker who is the Director of Operations of Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc., elaborated on the development of a growth mindset among the participants. He said that teachers must always find creative ways to make their teaching engaging even from a meager amount of resources.

Mr. Edric C. Calma, Director of Operations of Knowledge Channel Foundation Inc.

The remaining time in the afternoon allowed some STARBOOKS focal persons to share their best practices in the usage of such digital library. Then the convention proceeded with the awarding for the Most Functional Starbooks Stakeholders. The provincial winners are: BOHOL – Catigbian National High School (2nd place) and Hanopol National High School (1st place); CEBU – Cebu Technological University, Tuburan Campus (2nd place) and Cebu Institute of Technology-University (1st place); NEGROS ORIENTAL – North City Elementary School (2nd place) and Cadawinonan Elementary School (1st place), and; SIQUIJOR – Campalanas National High School (2nd place) and Cang-alwang National High School (1st place).

The regional winners are from Bohol: Catigbian National High School (2nd place) and Hanopol National High School (1st place).

Photo Op: Regional Level Winner- Hanopol National High School Team with RD Zamora and the resource persons.

The STARBOOKS Stakeholders’ Convention would indeed apt to be called as one of the key events during the celebration of the National Science and Technology Week in Central Visayas from October 12-14, 2022.

The DOST VII and DOST-STII team with DOST VII Regional Director, Engr. Jesus F. Zamora, Jr. together with the Resource Persons – Ms. Maria Elaine P. De Velez and Mr. Edric C. Calma.

Venus D. Retuya, Maria Arleen T. Arnejo, Meljun Signe, Alger S. Loyao, Jr., Kriszel Joy G. Silva, Jose Aldous R. Arbon II, Sherwin L. Mariquit, and Dale Rae Panuncia who are members of the DOST 7 team which led the conduct of the STARBOOKS Convention wrapped up the event with a note to remember – it was a success, and assenting to the opening message shared in the morning by the host from J.K. Rowling: “I do believe that something very magical can happen when you read a good book.”

STARBOOKS is a good book; in fact, it is a collection of books, a library. Just as it had been a memorable day to ignite the love for DOST-STII’s digital library. (By: Jose Aldous R. Arbon II, SRA-IO)

Provincial Level Winners

BOHOL – Catigbian National High School (2nd place)
BOHOL – Hanopol National High School (1st place)
CEBU – Cebu Institute of Technology-University (1st place)
NEGROS ORIENTAL – North City Elementary School (2nd place)
NEGROS ORIENTAL – Cadawinonan Elementary School (1st place)
SIQUIJOR – Campalanas National High School (2nd place)
SIQUIJOR – Cang-alwang National High School (1st place)


Regional Level Winners:

Catigbian National High School (2nd place)
Hanopol National High School (1st place)
