SSCP Boosts Odiongan SPED Schools with DOST STARBOOKS through Digital Tools

January 6, 2025

by DOST- PSTO Romblon

The DOST-MIMAROPA PSTO-Romblon kicked off the year 2025 with the awarding of computer tablets and WiFi routers to LGU-Odiongan during its flag raising ceremony this morning. These electronic devices intended for the three (3) schools with Special Education (SPED) curriculum in Odiongan namely Odiongan National High School (ONHS), Odiongan Central Elementary School (ONCES), and Odiongan South Central Elementary School (OSCES) aims to improve access to quality educational materials for better teaching and learning in SPED.

These teaching-learning devices are also equipped to access DOST STARBOOKS - an online/offline digital library which is very helpful to easily learn science, technology, engineering, and mathematics concepts. Additionally, some basic school supplies were provided for distribution to all 103 SPED students enrolled in the schools, empowering inclusive education and access to knowledge resources. This intervention was made part of the Smart, Sustainable Communities Program (SSCP) initiated in the municipality.

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