CALABARZON School Representatives Convene at the 2024 STARBOOKS Regional Stakeholders Convention
November 20, 2024
by Precious T. Biraquit | DOST-STII
Photos by Rommel M. Azucena, Jr. | DOST-STII
The Department of Science and Technology – Science and Technology Information Institute (DOST-STII), in collaboration with DOST-CALABARZON and Cerebro Solutions, Inc., held its annual STARBOOKS Regional Stakeholders Convention at the Monte Vista Hot Springs and Conference Resort, Laguna on 12 November 2024.
The one-day seminar was attended by the teachers, librarians, and administrators from various public and private school beneficiaries of the Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly-Operated Kiosks (STARBOOKS) across the CALABARZON region to provide and exchange ideas about education and technology.
With the theme “STARBOOKS: Toward a Sustainable and Resilient Future”, this learning session focused on the application of modern solutions to the declining status of Philippine education. Included in the discussions were the pedagogical approach utilizing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), basic understanding of AI, educational resources and growth mindset, and proper data visualization using Microsoft Excel.
The invited speakers who shared their expertise were the following: Ms. Maria Elaine P. De Velez and Mr. Leo R. De Velez, founders of FrontLearners, Inc.; Mr. Alfon B. Narquita, Head of the DOST-STII Office of the Director - Management Information System and Planning Section (OD-MISPS); Mr. Edric C. Calma, Director of Operations of Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc.; and Mr. Dan Anthony D. Dorado, Assistant Professor in the School of Library and Information Studies of University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman.
The event’s partnership with Cerebro Solutions, Inc., an accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provider of the Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC), credited the participants with five (5) CPD points.
#STARBOOKSPH #OneDOST4U #ScienceForThePeople