DOST-CAR Awards STARBOOKS to Suyang Elementary School

May 23, 2024

by Tabuk City Public Information Office

STARBOOKS | The Department of Science and Technology – Cordillera Administrative Region (DOST-CAR) awarded STARBOOKS (Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated Kiosk Station), the first Philippine Science Digital Library, to Suyang Elementary School during their community science visit at Suyang, Tabuk City on May 23, 2024.

This was part of Project STAR: Smiles and Treats for All beyond Reach, DOST-CAR’s Corporate Social Responsibility Project, in collaboration with the Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk, Inc. – Social Action Center led by Father Jeorge Manisem.

Also highlighted during the visit was a forum on DOST – Advanced Science and Technology Institute programs and projects which include Climate and Disaster Resilience, Transportation System and Environmental Protection. A demo and introduction to Robotics and turnover of medical supplies to the community were also conducted.

photos by: fuji sakai
