STARBOOKS Welcomes Two New Partners

May 20, 2024


In the current technological landscape, access to quality learning resources remains a significant challenge, especially in remote and marginalized communities. Recognizing this, the DOST-Science and Technology Information Institute, in collaboration with DOST Region VI and PSTO Negros Occidental, signed a memorandum of agreement with Colegio de Sto. Tomas - Recoletos (CST-R) and the DepEd School Division Office - San Carlos City in Negros Occidental to bring STARBOOKS to learning institutions in the city.

The signing event was held at the CST-R Cultural Hall on 15 May 2023. This collaboration aims to enhance STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics) literacy in the city by providing students and educators with free access to STARBOOKS offline, a vast repository of e-learning resources that can be used even without internet connectivity.

Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos, Incorporated DepEd Tayo San Carlos City Region VI

